Rogue Doulas

How to Spot and Avoid Rogue Doulas

Welcoming a new baby into the world can be one of the most magical experiences, and having the right support can make all the difference. There’s so much evidence for doula care in labor that it’s hard to understand how anything could go pear shaped when that professional is in the room - but for some parents (and professionals) their expectations of having a doula didn’t meet their expectations. So what happens when you encounter a rogue doula? What IS a rogue doula, what kinds of harm can they cause and, most importantly, how you can spot them at the interview process to ensure you have a positive, safe and supportive birth experience.

What is a Rogue Doula?

A rogue doula is someone offering doula services without the proper training, certification, or adherence to professional standards. Unlike certified doulas who have gone through rigorous education and maintain ethical guidelines, rogue doulas might not have the skills or knowledge to provide the support you need. This can lead to a negative experience during one of the most important times of your life. (Even certified doulas can cause challenges in the birth room but it’s less likely).

Risks of Hiring a Rogue Doula

  1. Lack of Training:

    • Without comprehensive training, rogue doulas may not be equipped to handle various common scenarios, potentially leading to inadequate support and even harm to you and your baby. For example if your doula doesn’t have training in the biomechanics of birth she shouldn’t be attempting complicated positions i.e. dangling off beds or overzealous jiggling with a rebozo to ‘move’ a baby.

  2. Unprofessional Behavior:

    • These doulas can sometimes be disrespectful (on their phone) or uncooperative with medical staff, creating unnecessary stress and tension in the birth room. Birth activism should be left at the door.

  3. Poor Teamwork:

    • Effective collaboration with healthcare providers is crucial. Rogue doulas may not have the training in how to work well with midwives, nurses, and doctors which can cause communication breakdowns during labor.

  4. Unverified Credentials:

    • Rogue doulas may falsely claim to have credentials or experience they don’t actually possess, giving you a false sense of security.

How to Spot a Rogue Doula

1. Verify Certification:

  • Ensure your doula is certified by a recognized organization. Certification means they’ve completed formal training and adhere to professional standards.

2. Check References and Reviews:

  • Ask for references from previous clients and read online reviews. Consistently positive feedback is a good indicator of a reputable doula.

3. Conduct Thorough Interviews:

  • As well as asking about training and certification this is a helpful question to ask.

  • "Can you describe a situation where you had to navigate a disagreement with medical staff or the birthing family, and how did you handle it?"

    This question serves several purposes:

    1. Professionalism: It assesses how they handle conflicts and work within the medical team.

    2. Communication Skills: It evaluates their ability to communicate effectively and respectfully.

    3. Ethics: It helps determine whether they respect the birthing family's wishes while also considering medical advice.

    4. Experience: It reveals their practical experience and approach to problem-solving.

    A reputable doula will provide a response that highlights their ability to maintain professionalism, communicate clearly, and prioritize the birthing family's needs while working collaboratively with healthcare providers.

4. Assess Professionalism:

  • Observe their professionalism during your interactions especially if they accompany you during a prenatal appointment. Are they punctual, respectful, and attentive? Any unprofessional behavior is a red flag.

5. Look for Red Flags:

  • Watch out for:

    • Vagueness about training or experience.

    • Reluctance to provide references.

    • Negative attitudes towards medical professionals.

    • Inconsistent stories or credentials.

    • High-pressure tactics to secure your commitment.

6. Verify Compatibility and Teamwork:

  • Ask how they collaborate with medical staff. A good doula should work seamlessly with your healthcare team and respect their roles.

7. Trust Your Instincts:

  • Your comfort and confidence in your doula are key. If something feels off, trust your gut and keep searching.

By being thorough in your search, you can hopefully avoid rogue doulas and ensure you have a supportive, experienced professional by your side during this special time. For more in-depth guidance on finding the perfect doula, grab our free guide, "Choosing the Perfect Doula: Your Essential Checklist." This resource is packed with tips, questions to ask, and everything you need to make an informed decision.

[Download Your Free Guide Here!]

Let’s make sure you have the birth experience you deserve, with the perfect support every step of the way.


Mindful Decision Making in Pregnancy