Key Terms in Photobiomodulation for Fertility
When discussing red light treatment/photobiomodulation and its fertility benefits, you’ll see words like transcription factors, signaling, and oxidative stress. It can feel like you’re learning a new language so let's break them down into simple terms so you can understand how they affect your body's health and fertility. Even if you’re not here for fertility information and photobiomodulation the following will be helpful.
Mitochondria: Also known as the "powerhouses and processors" of the cell, mitochondria are tiny structures inside cells that produce ATP, the primary energy source for cellular processes. Mitochondria are particularly crucial in egg cells, which contain thousands of them to meet the energy requirements of fertilization and early embryo development. Red light therapy improves mitochondrial function, which makes cells more energetic and efficient.
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the cell's energy currency. Consider it the "fuel" that drives practically every process in the body. More ATP allows cells to work more efficiently, which is especially crucial for energy-intensive reproductive cells.
Transcription factors are "messenger managers." They are proteins that help turn specific genes "on" or "off," similar to turning a switch. When red light treatment affects transcription factors, it allows your cells to better respond to what they need for optimal functioning, whether it's lowering inflammation, producing energy, or healing tissue.
Signaling is how cells "talk" to one another. Consider your cells transmitting text messages to one another on what's going on in the body. These messages can prompt cells to begin healing, produce more energy, or reduce inflammation. PBM stimulates this messaging, particularly in the ovaries and uterus, which can aid with conception.
Oxidative stress is similar to "cellular wear and tear." Free radicals can destroy our cells in the same way that metal rusts when exposed to air and dampness. This damage can accumulate over time, particularly in sensitive places such as reproductive cells. PBM helps balance these free radicals with antioxidants, which reduces oxidative stress.
Hope that wasn’t too painful - it’ll make this article a lot easier to understand.