Many women struggle with body image issues especially in a society heavily influenced by social media and unrealistic beauty standards. Throw a PCOS diagnosis into the mix and you have a painful, unnecessary shamefest. Recent evidence suggests that PCOS may be associated with an imbalance of the brain stress system, which isn’t surprising - constant comparison, self-judgment, and dissatisfaction can affect our mental well-being and reduce our odds of conceiving. PCOS is a metabolic disorder of the brain and body and is hugely influenced by lifestyle choices - many of the symptoms are reversible but the US health system wants life long customers. As with almost all chronic illnesses there is a metabolic component - and so many of these aspects are within your control. So that’s both amazing news and a little scary too. Fixing your metabolism will also have a positive knock on effect on your brain circuitry and mental health.

In the meantime as you get to grips with real nutrition changes (sugar and seed oils are out) mindfulness can be a powerful tool for you to both stick with the lifestyle changes and to support your mental health through your brain mitochondria.

Mindfulness is a great tool to help you navigate these challenges of PCOS.

A 2014 RCT comparing a group of women with PCOS learning mindfulness found anxiety, depression and stress scores decreased significantly with mindfulness stress management.

Understanding Body Image Problems:

Body image problems are more common than we realize - even more so if you have PCOS. We often find ourselves caught in a vicious cycle of negative self-talk, striving for an idealized, perfect body and perpetually dissatisfied. These cycles can lead to decreased self-esteem, anxiety, depression and eating disorders. Acknowledging the impact of societal pressures and internalized judgments on our perception of ourselves is crucial.

Dr Punith Kempegowda, assistant professor of endocrinology in Queen Elizabeth Hospital in the UK, recently presented his findings investigating PCOS, body image, and mental health issues. This is the first systematic search on body image concerns in PCOS. In a nutshell, distress caused by chronic dissatisfaction with our body lowers our self-esteem which can subsequently manifest in symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Think of it like this. The emotions of shame, dissatisfaction and the added self-abuse of negative self-talk are associated with dysregulated body and mental health functioning (cellular stress). One solution is to intentionally reduce their impact on your biology with evidence-based mindfulness exercises.

The Antidote to Body Dissatisfaction and Shame - Mindful Self-Compassion.

The Role of Mindfulness:

Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present in the current moment, observing our thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations without judgment. By cultivating mindfulness, we can develop a deeper connection with ourselves and reshape our relationship with our bodies. Here's how mindfulness can help you experience your fertility journey in a different way:

  • Non-Judgmental Awareness: Mindfulness allows us to observe our thoughts and judgments about our bodies without getting hijacked by them (excessive hair growth, high BMI, acne). By adopting a non-judgmental attitude, we can break free from negative thoughts about our body and cultivate a more compassionate outlook.

  • Acceptance and Self-Compassion: Mindfulness encourages us to accept ourselves as we are, embracing our bodies with kindness and compassion. It helps us recognize that our worth is not determined by our appearance but by the inherent value we hold as individuals.

  • Noticing Unrealistic Ideals: Mindfulness helps us to notice the media's influence on our perception of beauty and challenges the unrealistic ideals it portrays. By recognizing that these standards are unattainable and constantly changing, we can let ourselves off the hook to conform and instead focus on nurturing our authentic selves. In a recent TikTok experiment young women were exposed to 3 different kinds of social media influencers - beauty tips, self-compassion strategies, or travel destinations. Women reported feeling more shame and anxiety watching the beauty tips, more negative mood and less self-compassion.

  • Appreciation: Mindfulness allows us to shift our focus from what we perceive as flaws to appreciating our bodies' incredible capabilities and uniqueness. By practicing gratitude for our bodies' functions and strengths, we develop a greater sense of appreciation and respect for ourselves. Start to notice all the amazing things your body does really well - and when you feel that self-criticism creep in, notice it and don’t take the bait and take a few deep breaths.

  • Incorporating Mindfulness into Daily Life:

    Integrating mindfulness into our daily routine can foster a healthier body image as you manage your PCOS. Here are some practical tips to get started:

    • Body Scan Meditation: Dedicate time for a body scan meditation. In this exercise you systematically bring awareness to each part of your body, observing sensations, thoughts and feelings without judgment. This practice promotes a deeper connection and acceptance of your physical self. If you have particularly strong feelings about certain parts of your body notice how the activity of your mind increases and tries to hijack your emotional state. The Body Scan Meditation has been shown to reduce body shame and is a nurturing daily practice for your fertility journey.

    • Mindful Eating: Pay attention to the sensations, flavors, and nourishment as you eat, savoring each bite. Tune into your body's hunger and fullness cues and let go of judgments around food choices. (Nutrition is a core aspect of this metabolic disorder).

    • Self-Compassion Breaks: When negative thoughts and feelings arise, take a moment for self-compassion. Offer some kind and supportive words to yourself, and acknowledge that you’re not alone - many other women are experiencing these circumstances.

    • Explore the FertileMind app modules and playlists on self-compassion, shame and acceptance.

    Cultivating mindfulness is a powerful journey towards healing body image struggles and mental health. By practicing non-judgmental awareness, self-compassion, appreciation and acceptance, we have the tools to transform our relationship with our body and develop a more positive and kinder attitude.

    Embrace your journey, be gentle with yourself, and watch as mindfulness paves the way for a healthier, more loving relationship with your body before, during and after pregnancy.

    Start your free trial of the FertileMind app today.

  • Resources:


Transforming PCOS: The Power of Mind-Body Interventions


Take Control of PCOS Today